Some products will now be manufactured with plastic flip cap tear-off seal enclosures. Previously, they were sealed with an aluminum crimp. This new cap will be easier and more convienent to open and deal with in an aseptic environment. 

Flip Cap Removal Steps

Impacted Products

These are the products that will be impacted with the new plastic flip cap tear-off seal enclosure.

ProductCatalog Number
Collagenase HA001-1000
Collagenase MA001-2030
AOF Collagenase rHI001-1040
Collagenase Gold Plus 011-2000
BP Protease003-1000
AF Thermolysin002-3000
CIzyme RI005-1030
CIzyme AS 005-1090

Effective Date

Batches manufactured on or after 01 Sept 2024 could be manufactured with the new plastic flip cap tear-off seal
enclosure. If plastic flip cap tear-off seal enclosures aren’t available, we reserve the option to use standard
aluminum crimp seals.