Presented by
Dan Tremmel, University of Wisconsin
Successful islet isolation requires the use of collagenase-protease enzyme mixtures to degrade the pancreatic extracellular matrix (ECM), freeing islets from the organ. Scanning electron microscopy and immunohistochemical staining of the tissue with specific antibodies shows that the ECM contains an extensive network of fibers, ground substance (hydrophilic polysaccharides), and multi-adhesive glycoproteins. Additional insights come from recent reports that used mass spectrometry to analyze the proteins found in the ECM. Comparing the matrisomes found in donors of different ages or between normal or decellularized adult tissue provides additional insight into those components that hold islets in place.
The webinar will:
· Describe the tools used to study the ECM and the current understanding of the pancreatic ECM
· Summarize results from analysis of the pancreatic matrisome
· Comment on the relevance of knowledge of the ECM to increasing islet yield
Meet the Presenter

Dan Tremmel
University of Wisconsin
I am a graduate student working in the lab of Dr. Jon Odorico in the Department of Surgery at the University of Wisconsin. My research focus is to define the matrisome of the human pancreas throughout development to better understand the role that extracellular matrix (ECM) plays in islet health and function. We collaborate with Dr. Lingjun Li’s lab at UW to use novel mass spectrometry techniques for in-depth characterization of the pancreas and islet matrisome. I have also developed a decellularization protocol to isolate the ECM from human pancreas and reconstitute it as a hydrogel for use in cell culture and transplantation studies. We believe that a better understanding of the islet ECM will facilitate improved islet isolation, culture and transplantation technologies.